‘Black and Bleak’; a week after

I’m not an ambulance chaser and neither do I chase police cars and fire-brigades although I’m very much aware that this would enable me to make sensational disaster action pictures. I just waited this time for a week after a devastating fire destroyed 20,000 hectare natural fynbos between Hermanus and our village (Stanford) in the Western Cape, South Africa. This morning I drove to and from Hermanus and took some pictures.

It’s black and bleak.








Author: Herman van Bon Photography

" I like to explore the possibilities and limits of digital art, I just let it flow to see where it can go, sometimes the end result appears quickly, sometimes the creative process takes months and other times  the creation dies in its own beauty". 

8 thoughts on “‘Black and Bleak’; a week after”

  1. The totality of the destruction is hard to imagine – yet some houses and stands of vegetation managed to survive. amazing.


      1. Hi Yvonne, Just a correction. Horrendous means terrible. I am sure you mean they did a tremendous job – which means really great!


  2. Glad you like “In search of unusual destinations”. And this post is very good, despite the terrible destruction it records. Good luck with everything in 2013: I can tell you’ll be taking some excellent photos. Phil.


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